Friday, July 13, 2012

In the aftermath

"Aftermath" by Adam Lambert playing on repeat inside my head!

I haven't posted my artwork for a really long time (the last post was an Osprey right?). Had my first free day in months today - after finishing that horrible, traumatic piano exam of mine - and i didn't know what to do. Entertained the thought of exercising and doing something active to offset my gain in weight over the months mugging for my piano exam. But unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on how you look at it - i was tasked with designing costumes for my USP OG's pageant! The first set was Mulan-themed for a guy and girl, so i basically took reference pictures off the net and customized the colours and materials myself :)


And since i'm in the midst of posting, might as well post up some other artwork which has been hanging in cyberspace (begging to be posted) for a while now!

Some cards i made for my friends' birthdays/blogshop projects recently:

This card was for my Gu Ma's friend (RIP Gu Ma) 
and she ordered it from my blogshop :)

 For Stacey's birthday :D

For Aunty Pat, also ordered from my blogshop.

Insert random advertisement here: my blogshop at :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


My new favourite raptor - the Osprey!

The Osprey is otherwise known as a "water eagle" and 99% of its diet consists of fish! It has waterproof wings that enables it to dive all the way into the water and snatch fish from the seabed. HOW AWESOME IS THAT.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A bottle of lemon juice

Because i haven't touched watercolours for more than 2 weeks,i started with something simple today.
Only annoying things are that 1) it's out of proportion (blame my drawing) and 2) i took 1 hour to paint black over white and white over black for the font ._.

Friday, April 13, 2012


Wondering if i should take pictures of the manga drawings that i did in my sketchbook :/ 
They're far better than the noob ones i've posted thus far,but it's so...troublesome!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Under the sea

A painting dedicated to my friend (you know who you are)!

Flounder from "Little Mermaid" :) In water colour,of course. 
The sea background was quite badly done,but i don't know how to paint something to look like water yet,so forgive me!

Enjoy :D

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The masterpieces

As the title suggests,these are probably the sketches i'm the happiest with! They're not fantastic or anything,but they are personal favourites :) These are real-life sketches/fine art, as my teacher used to call them! Enjoy :D

1.These two pictures of the cross and candle respectively were drawn for a Lent booklet! Personally,i really like the creases i drew on the cloth! The people are a bit awkward but i didn't know how people in Jesus' time looked from the back :D

2.This is a picture of a blue jay, bird.

3. A pair of fluffy dogs! I copied it from a calendar! Till this day,i still don't know what breed they are. I think they might be shina ibus or really,really fluffy japanese spitzs.

4....AND *drumroll* THE MASTERPIECE. Okay,it isn't anything much,but it's possibly the most detailed drawing i've ever done in pencil. It's a dragon from the cover of a book by Naomi (something.). I was competing with my brother and really outdid him in the end :)
Ignore the drunk mushroom below.

Count the cars that pass by


Just some of my old manga drawings that have already been scanned into the system. Would be a waste if i didn't display them somewhere. 
When i have the time,i'll probably photograph the ones that i'm more pleased with :) Stay tuned!

They're all rough scans, so pardon the quality or the crooked-ness.

1.An original design. I designed this "scorpion bankai" for my best friend in 2008! Inspired by Bleach. Left it face-less because i was afraid drawing anything there would ruin it.

2.Compilation sketch of photos from "Spiral Alive" and "Double Arts"! Also sketched in 08'.

3.Random Santa-nita (yeah,i made that term up) for Christmas! Sketched in 2008.

4.Terrible,weird looking picture i drew for a friend's birthday,since he was a fan of Zelda and Pokemon. I don't even know why i uploaded this O_O Sketched in 2006 (CHART THE IMPROVEMENT.) When i was still using colour pencils *shudder*